Jonathan Pond's

Smart Planner

Your Personalized Financial Planning Review

Getting your investment portfolio in order is a very important step on the road toward achieving financial security, but there are many other important areas of your financial life to consider. Obtain a personalized review of your financial situation by filling out this Questionnaire. Smart Planner is based on a computer program written by Jonathan Pond.

The questions are easy to answer, and don't require you to unearth a lot of obscure financial information.


Smart Planner is intended to provide general information and education. Individuals should consult their own financial, investment, and / or legal advisor.


This a secure site which is only accessible to us.  All information is kept strictly confidential.  Additionally, your name and e-mail address will not be sold to any lists.


Smart Planner

Please complete the following confidential questionnaire.
Read all italicized sections carefully; they may provide instructions or request you to skip certain sections


Your report will include your name and will be emailed to you in about a week.


NOTE:  In order for us to process this questionnaire you must use the password issued to you with Smart Planner questionnaire either by your local Public Television Station or by us.  Please contact your local Public Television station for further information.

Use the "TAB", not "ENTER" key to go from one answer to the next.   Hitting the "ENTER" key will attempt to submit the incompleted questionnaire to us without effect.  (If this happens, try using the back button to go back to your questionnaire.)

The questionnaire will NOT submit to us if any of the *required questions are not answered.

Once you exit the questionnaire, all data will be erased from it for security reasons.

Note:  Please do not enclose additional information pertaining to your investments.  Smart Planner is unable to respond to specific individual inquiries. 

Password:    *(Required - Your password appears on the front page of Your Investment Road Map questionnaire or was issued to you by us.  It is required in order for us to process this questionnaire.)

First Name:        

Last Name: 

Spouse/partner's first name:

Spouse/partner's last name:

Your Occupation: 


City:                    State:          Zip: 

E-mail address:         *(Required)

Confirm your e-mail address: *(Required)

1. What is your age? 

2. What is your marital status:

             Spouse's occupation: 

             Partner's occupation: 




3. If applicable, what is your spouse's or partner's age?               
    Not applicable.  I am single.

4. Are you retired?

             You                                                            Your Spouse/Partner

    Yes                                                                    Yes

    No, I am gainfully employed                               No, he/she is gainfully employed

    No, but I don't work outside the home                No, but he/she doesn't work outside the home 

    Semi-retired                                                       Semi-retired

                                                                                  Not applicable

5. List the names and ages of any children or other persons who are financially dependent on you.

                   Name                       Age







6. What is your approximate total income this year from employment, or if you're retired, from Social Security and distributions from retirement plans or annuities?


7. What is your spouse's or partner's approximate total income this year from employment, or if retired, from Social Security and distributions from retirement plans or annuities?

    $ Not applicable

8. What is your, and, if applicable, your spouse's or partner's approximate total income this year from brokerage and savings accounts (not retirement accounts), trusts, gifts, etc.? Don't include the principal amount of your investments, just this year's expected dividend, interest, and capital gain income.


9. This question is optional. It will help Smart Planner further customize its analysis and recommendations.

What is your current net worth? $       Not sure

(To determine your net worth, first add up the total current value of all of your assets: investments (retirement plans, investment accounts, savings accounts, CDs, real estate, etc.), plus a reasonable value for your home, plus the cash value (not the death benefit) of any cash value life insurance policies.  If you own a business, its value should also be added to your assets, but be realistic about its worth.  After you have figured out your total assets, deduct all liabilities (loans) that you owe.  The resulting number is your net worth.)



10. Have you established short-term and long-term financial goals, such as buying a home, saving for your children's education, saving for retirement, and planning your estate?



11. Would you like to improve your personal record keeping system?



12. Do you have a safety deposit box?



13. Do you have a list (inventory) of your household possessions?



14. Do you periodically prepare a summary of your assets and liabilities?



15. Do you periodically prepare a household budget?



16. Do you sometimes have difficulty making on-time payments for car, credit card, and other loans?





17. Do you have enough life insurance coverage to prevent your dependents from suffering financial hardship in the event of your death?



    Not sure

    Not applicable.  I have no dependents.

18. Does your spouse or partner have sufficient life insurance coverage to prevent you and your dependents from suffering financial hardship in the event of your spouse's or partner's death?



    Not sure

    Not applicable

19. Do you and all members of your household have adequate health insurance coverage?



    Not sure

20. Do you and the working members of your household have adequate disability income insurance coverage?



    Not sure

    Not applicable

21. Do you have adequate homeowner's or renter's insurance coverage?



    Not sure

22. Do you have adequate additional insurance protection for valuables (jewelry, silverware, etc.)?



    Not sure

    Not applicable

23. Do you have a personal liability (umbrella) insurance policy?



    Not sure

24. Do you have professional liability insurance?


    No, but I think I should

    Not sure

    Not applicable. My occupation doesn't require professional liability insurance, or I am retired.

25. How do you handle your credit card balances?

    Not applicable.  I/we do't have any credit cards.

    I/we pay them off every month.

    I/we sometimes run a balance.

    I/we usually or always have a balance.

    Not sure.

26. Are you considering making a major purchase within the next few years?

    Yes, a home

    Yes, a car

    Yes, home improvements

    Yes, something other than a home, car, or home improvements


27. Do you have a home equity loan or second mortgage on your home?


    No, but I'm considering it


    Not applicable.  I am not a homeowner.

28. How did you purchase your last car?

    I paid cash or it was a gift      

    Loan of three years or less

    Loan of greater than three years


    Not applicable.  I don't own a car.



29. Including contributions you make to retirement accounts, (for example, IRAs, 401(k)plans, and 403(b) plans) but excluding any employer contributions, how much of your total employment income do you save? (If you are retired, indicate how much of your retirement income you are saving.)


    Less than 5%



    Over 20%

    Not sure

30. If you have children or grandchildren, are you concerned about being able to meet their education costs?



    Not applicable.  I don't have children, or my children are through school.

31. Are you currently saving for your children's or grandchildren's education?


    No, but we plan to


    Not applicable.  I don't have any children, or my children are through school.

32. Most people invest in individual stocks, bonds, short-term interest-earning securities - and in mutual funds that hold one of those three investment categories. Approximately what percentage of the total investments) both retirement and non-retirement investments) you have (excluding real estate) is invested in stocks and mutual funds that invest in stocks?  


    None of my/our investments are currently in stocks or stock mutual funds.

    I'm/we're not sure

    Not applicable.  I/we currently don't have any investments.  Please provide some guidance on how to start.

33. Who selects your investments?

    I and/or other family members

    My broker or investment advisor

    Both myself and my broker or investment advisor

    Not applicable. I currently don't have any investments.

34. How often do you review your investments?

    More than once a month

    Monthly or quarterly

    Once or twice a year

    Less than once a year


    Not applicable.  I/we currently don't have any investments.

35. Do you own any rental properties or undeveloped land?

    Yes, rental property

    Yes, undeveloped land

    No, but I'm considering real estate investments




36. Do you own your own home or condominium?



37.  If you don't own a home or condominium, do you plan to buy one in the future?

    Yes, within the next five years.

    Yes, but not within the next five years.


    Not applicable.  I already own a home.


38. Is the interest rate on your home mortgage more than 1.5% higher than current rates on fixed-rate mortgages?



    Not sure

    Not applicable.  I currently don't own a home or I don't have a mortgage on my home.

39. Do you expect to have your mortgage paid off by the time you retire?



    Not sure

    Not applicable.  I currently don't own a home or I don't have a mortgage on my home.



40. Do you prepare your own income tax return?



41. Do you consider yourself knowledgeable about the latest tax rules and tax saving techniques?




42. Do you maintain your tax records (receipts, etc.) so that they ease the task of gathering your tax return information at tax time?


    No, it's a big chore.

43. Are you familiar with tax-advantaged investing (municipal bonds, retirement accounts, etc.)?




44. Do you and, if applicable, your spouse/partner have any income from full-time or part-time self-employment.

    Yes, full-time self-employment

    Yes, part-time self-employment




STOP:  If you and, if aplicable, your spouse or partner are already retired, skip this section and move to the "Estate Planning" section, beginning with Question #60.

45.  If you are not retired, at what age do you, and if applicable, your spouse or partner plan to retire?

                                You                                                                Your Spouse/Partner

    I'm not sure, but my best guess is age:              Not sure, but his/her best guess is age:

    I'm planning to retire at age:                             He/she is planning to retire at age:


46. If you retired today, how much do you think your annual living expenses would be?

(Please indicate a total amount only.) $        I'm not sure

(Here's how to estimate your retirement living expenses: Figure out how much you will spend this year on regular living expenses, i.e., your total income less what you save and contribute to retirement plans. Also deduct any expenses that you don't expect to be paying when you're retired, like the costs of raising and educating children, or your mortgage payments if you expect to have your mortgage paid off when you retire. Once you have determined how much you are spending right now multiply that amount by 80% (0.80) to account for reduced taxes and work-related expenses. The resulting amount is a rough estimate of your retirement living expenses if you were in fact retired now.)

47. Within the last year, have you prepared an estimate of your expected retirement income?



48. Do you, and, if applicable, your spouse/partner contribute to salary reduction plans at work (401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, tax sheltered annuities, etc.)?

    Yes, 10% or more of my/our salary

    Yes, less than 10% of my/our salary

    No, although I am (we are) eligible to participate

    No, I'm not yet eligible to participate

    Not applicable. My employer doesn't offer these plans

49. Does your and/or your spouse's/partner's employer provide an employer-paid retirement plan, for example a pension plan or SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) plan, where the employer contributes all or most of the money that goes into the plan?

    Yes, both of our employers do

    Yes, my employer does

    Yes, my spouse's/partner's employer does


50. If you or your spouse/partner have any income from self-employment, do you contribute to a Keogh Plan, SEP (simplified Employee Pension) Plan or SIMPLE Plan?



    Not applicable.  I have no self-employment income.

51. Do you, and if applicable, your spouse/partner make contributions to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?

    Yes, every year

    Yes, sometimes


    Not applicable. I am retired or have no work-related income.

52. Have you invested in tax deferred annuities?


    I'm considering it



STOP:  Please answer the following questions only if:

      Otherwise,  move to the "Estate Planning" questions, beginning with question#60.

53. If you have estimated your retirement income, do you think it will be sufficient to provide you with a financially-comfortable retirement?



    Not sure

    Not applicable. I haven't estimated my retirement income.

54. Have you received an estimate of your expected company pension benefits within the last year?



    Not applicable. I don't participate in a company pension plan.

55.  When do you expect to collect Social Security benefits?

                         You                                                    Your spouse or partner if applicable

    At normal retirement age                                                    Spouse/partner normal

    Early - Before normal retirement age                                  Spouse/partner early

    Late - After normal retirement age                                     Spouse/partner after

    Not applicable. I'm/we're not eligible or                             Not applicable (no spouse or partner)
        I'm/we're already collecting Social Security benefits.                 

56. For people who have to choose how they will invest their retirement money, one of the most important decisions is whether to invest their retirement money on their own or with the help of an investment advisor or to put it into an annuity that pays regular income. Have you decided what you're going to do with your retirement plan money when you retire?

    Yes, I plan to manage it on my own or with the help of an investment advisor.

    Yes, I plan to put it into an annuity that pays regular income.

    Yes, I plan to put part of the money into an annuity and manage the rest.

    No, I haven't yet decided.

    Not applicable. My employer(s) requires me/us to take a retirement annuity or I/we have no retirement money.

57. Do you expect to make significant changes in the way you invest once you're retired?



    Not sure

58. How do you feel about your retirement prospects?

    I am/we are not really sure at this point

    I am/we are very confident

    I am/we are pretty confident

    I am/we are somewhat concerned

    I am/we are very concerned

59. Have you decided where you want to live when you retire?

    Yes, we're staying put

    Yes, we plan to relocate




60. Do you have a will?


    Yes, but I'm not sure it's up to date.


61. Does your spouse or partner have a will?


    Yes, but I'm not sure it's up to date.


    Not applicable. I am single

62. Do you have a durable power of attorney or living trust that designates someone to take care of your financial affairs in the event that you become incapacitated?



    Not sure

63. Does your spouse or partner have a durable power of attorney or living trust that designates someone to take care of his or her financial affairs in the event that he or she becomes incapacitated?



    Not sure

    Not applicable. I am single.

64. Have you prepared a living will and/or health care proxy that expresses your wishes with respect to your care should you become terminally ill?


    No, but I would like to have one.

    No, I would prefer not to have one.

    Not sure

65. Has your spouse or partner prepared a living will and/or health care proxy that expresses his or her wishes with respect to care in the event of terminal illness?


    No, but he or she would like to have one.

    No, he or she would prefer not to have one.

    Not sure

    Not applicable. I am single.

66. Do you have a letter of instructions (i.e., a document that provides your survivors with pertinent information about your insurance policies, investments, funeral wishes, etc. after your death?)


    Yes, but I'm not sure it's up to date.


67. Does your spouse or partner have a letter of instructions?


    Yes, but I'm not sure it's up to date.


    Not applicable. I am single.

68. Have you discussed the contents and whereabouts of your will and other estate planning documents with your immediate family?



    Not applicable. I haven't yet prepared estate planning documents.

69. Does your will include the appointment of a guardian for your dependent children?


    No, I don't have a will or my will doesn't mention a guardian.

    Not sure

    Not applicable. I don't have any dependent children.

70. Have you established any of the following trusts as part of your estate planning?

    Yes, Living trust

    Yes, a testamentary trust (a trust included in my will)

    Yes, another kind of trust

    No, but I'm/we're interested in perhaps setting up a trust


71. Have you considered the most advantageous way to own your investments and real estate (single name, joint name, trust, etc.)?



    Not applicable

72. Do you reside, own real estate, or have business interests in more than one state?



73. Are you concerned about the possibility of having to provide financial support or financial guidance for your parents?

    Yes, financial support  

    Yes, financial guidance


74. Are you concerned about the possibility of a long-term nursing home stay jeopardizing your financial well-being during retirement?



    Not yet, retirement is still a long way off



If you would like Smart Planner to include a sample mutual fund investment allocation,  please answer the following three questions:

75. What is the approximate amount of money you have available to invest to meet your long-term needs? The total should include brokerage accounts, retirement accounts (IRAs, 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, etc.), CDs, Treasure securities, and bank accounts.

(Please indicate a total amount only.) $         Not sure

76. Of the total money you have available to invest, please indicate whether the money is currently in retirement accounts, or taxable accounts, or both:

    My money is currently invested in both retirement accounts and nonretirement (taxable) accounts.

    My money is currently invested only in retirement accounts.

    My money is currently invested only in nonretirement (taxable) accounts.

    I'm not sure

77.    Indicate from the three alternatives listed below which type of investor profile you're most comfortable with:

    I'm an aggressive investor. I am wiling to accept risk in my investing in exchange for the possibility of earning high long-term investment returns.

    I'm a moderate investor. I understand that I must take some risk with my investments in order to achieve satisfactory long-term     investment returns.

    I'm a conservative investor. While I understand the importance of long-term growth in my investing, I am not as comfortable with the ups and             downs of the stock market as other investors.

    I'm not sure what kind of investor profile best suits me.


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